Tag Archives: Expedia

April Fools’ Day Pranks by Brands

Who doesn’t love April Fools’ Day?

  • …your younger brother stealing all your shoes
  • …dad telling you it’s snowing outside on a sunny Southern California morning
  • …your best friend telling you he’s joining a monastery in Budapest
  • …your girlfriend breaking up with you. OK that one isn’t so funny but all the rest are!

But were you expecting to be pranked by your local business or conglomerate, multinational corporations? Boy have things changed! Maybe its the social media revolution, or the internet revolution, or just the YouTube “Gotcha!” generation but here come the brands. Just watch your Twitter feed April 1st (It’s a Sunday this year which should make things interesting) for prank after prank after prank. We wanted to highlight a few of our favorites over the years. Dan is paranoid about brand April Fool’s Day pranks so we’ll see if they get him this year!


We absolutely LOVED what Starbucks did! How about a “Plenta” or “Micra” size to kick off your day? The accompanying photo was hilarious as well! Some days it feels like we need a “Plenta” size to get us through the day.


As self-proclaimed Space nuts we were actually pretty excited when we logged onto Expedia on April 1st and saw them offering Mars Vacations! It was like all the Ray Bradbury we had read in our youth came true — we could go to Mars!


Leave it to the Brits to be so ahead of the times! Back in April 2009, the UK Guardian newspaper declared that print was dead and they were moving to Twitter! What a brilliant use of connecting your brand to something new and hip with the use of an April fools joke. Little did they know how much journalism is centered around Twitter these days.

There you have it! Just a sampling of some of the great pranks over the years. Is your company going to get in on the April Fools mix this year? If so, let us know! But make sure to comment before next week, when we turn this blog into a Turnip cultivation website.

Just kidding…April Fools!

-Andy, TGPR