World Turtle Day a Success

Itty-bitty tortoise committee

American Tortoise Rescue sponsors World Turtle Day, now in its tenth year. The annual May 23rd (which also happens to be the Queen’s birthday) observance was created to help people celebrate and protect turtles and tortoises and their disappearing habitats around the world, and to increase respect and knowledge for the world’s oldest creatures.

When Susan adopted two Russian tortoises back in 1990, little did we know this would lead to her and her husband Marshall Thompson co-founding American Tortoise Rescue (ATR). More than 3,000 turtles and tortoises have been placed in homes since. Now, the rescue focuses on advocacy and legislation and this past March ATR and other advocates achieved victory. From the LA Times:

Animal welfare advocates won a long sought victory Wednesday when the California Fish and Game Commission approved a ban on imports of non-native turtles and frogs for food markets.

Congrats Susan and Marshall. You’ve done well…and word is spreading. There are more than 1,800,000 results on Google for World Turtle Day!

ATR Co-Founders Susan and Marshall



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